Friday, September 14, 2012

My Accomplishments

it's so easy to forget personal accomplishments, especially when we compare ourselves to others. personally, i feel mediocre about almost all of my accomplishments. i could be a better student. i could be a better mother. i could be a better partner, cook, artist... the list goes on and on. there always seems to be someone doing it better and with greater ease. trying to do anything seems so hard and appears to be too much work. it's hard to try and become better when the thought 'i will never be as good as so and so'. ive had to wok hard at realizing my accomplishments matter to me rather then to the world.

one of the best realizations that I have had is that I don't see the other persons struggles. I don't know how hard thy have worked to get to that point of success. I also don't see what they want to be better at and feel less then accomplished. I also don't know what people admire about my skills. I don't know how other people compare themselves to me.

a way that I've broken this cycle of comparing myself to others is to make a list of what I want to be good at and how good. an example looks like this:

I want to cook at least 4 meals a week
I want to buy more organic
I want to spend more time reading
I want to immerse myself in creativity
I want to plan more special trips for my son
I want to stop and smell the roses.
I want to do well at school

the main point is to stop comparing yourself to others and spend time on the skills you want to improve. and also to realize what you can actually accomplish! if I tried to do my whole list at once I would be a failure. work a little but in each item and your skills will grow through usage.

be the person you want to be!

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